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기간 : ~

교컴 포토갤러리

루루의 미국생활

The Letters from America

홍희숙 | 2003.01.01 10:14 | 조회 875 | 공감 0 | 비공감 0

Dear Hong, Sung-Jin, Hyun-Jin, Chong-Jin and Chong-Sup,

It was good to receive your email.
We are happy to know you are safe at home with your family.
It must have been a wonderful reunion.
We hope you will settle in well and find great joy being home.

You are on our minds a lot.
Charlotte has the beautiful masks hanging in her room above her drawing desk.
The joyful faces remind us of your kindness and friendship.
Thank you again for the beautiful, generous gift.
We so much enjoyed showing you a bit of America while you were here.
Trick or Treating will never be the same without you!
I only wish we had more time, especially for you and me to get to know one anther better, Hong.
It was always a delight to spend time with you and to see your smiling, welcoming face on the Glenridge play ground.
Thank you for calling me before you left.
I was really touched.

It will be very strange and sad for Charlotte to return to school on Thursday without her special friend, Sung-Jin.
Morgain reported last night that she was going to Korea to visit Hyun-Jin!

We hope to keep in touch by email or letters.
This should be good practice for your English!
With much love and wishes for a very happy 2003
from the whole Reed family,

Leslie Reed

제목: So great to get your e-mail

Dear Hong,
I am so happy to hear from you!!!!
My heart both aches and is filled with joy.
I miss you too.
It's hard to think of you so far away.
But writing here to you helps me feel closer.
And I'm so very glad you are in our lives and live.

I hated saying good-bye that Thursday.
We all got in the car and cried!!!!!!
And my eyes fill with tears even now.
I guess the hard part of caring so much is the sadness from saying good-bye.
It's worth it just to know you and to have you as my friend - - forever!!!
I am thankful to God that we met and that our families have become such good friends.
Had you not come to America, I would have never had this chance.

How did it feel to step your feet on Korean soil?
I know you missed home so much.
And how was it to see your parents again?
I can only imagine how much emotion there was at your reunion.

Someday, some summer, we would like to visit Korea.
I know it is so very far, but I feel strongly that we try to come.
Maybe in about 2 summers from this one.
We would come for two weeks, maybe.
I love dreaming about being together in Korea.

Anyway I have to go now.
I am working on my second book of poetry called,
It should be ready in the end of January.
I will send you a copy when it is finished.
I hope Hyun-Jin keeps writing poetry.
I have asked her to e-mail what she writes. Maybe she will write a poem called RETURNING TO KOREA.
And I can share it with the poetry club and read
it at the Poetry Jam in April.
Or I can be the only one who reads it if she doesn't want me to read it to the school.

Please keep in touch and tell me what is happening there, and what you feel there.
I miss you.
I can't wait for more of your words.
Happy New Year!
Love from your friend, Brenda-Fay

p.s. Jeremy will write Sung-Jin next week

<대니얼 엄마인 로리가 보낸...>
Hong - I'm so glad you made it home safe and sound.
We will miss you and Sung-jin.
I'm just sorry we didn't stop by and say good-bye.
Danielle and I wanted to say Good-bye and with the holidays it was crazy.

I would like the girls to stay in touch with Sung-jin if that works for you both.
I wonder if she'll be joining Brownies in Korea? Sung-jin can e-mail me or Danielle at this address.

Take Care and thanks for dropping me a note!! Keep in touch.

Lori Destifanes

<성진이 친구인 메를린이 보낸...>
Dear Sung-Jin

I miss you.
And, I want to visit you! I have your address in Korea and will write to you.
I love you and I hope you visit us someday.
I hope you like your new school; we will miss you in Mrs. Preston's class.


좋아요! 싫어요!
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루루의 미국생활
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